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Election 2024: Appreciating The Front-Line Workers of Democracy

As the dust settles from the U.S. presidential election, the American public can celebrate that the election process was largely nonviolent and smooth. However, it is important that the public not be lulled into thinking this signals the end of election administrators’ problems.

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Breaking Barriers: AAPI Trailblazers in State Government
Graphic of the event details


Breaking Barriers: AAPI Trailblazers in State Government

The Rajawali Foundation Institute for Asia hosted a conversation with AAPI members of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Rep. Tram T. Nguyen MC/MPA ’24 and Rep. Tackey Chan on the importance of AAPI representation in state government, policy issues that impact AAPI communities, and running for office.

For 25 years students have been learning that ‘sovereignty matters’ as part of a Harvard University course on tribal self-determination
Photo of the Kennedy School campus


For 25 years students have been learning that ‘sovereignty matters’ as part of a Harvard University course on tribal self-determination

Every year, “Native Americans in the 21st Century: Nation Building I” brings students from around the world to learn where and when tribal sovereignty leads to improved economic, social, and cultural outcomes for Indigenous nations.

Research Reveals Path to Effective Antiracist Change in American Healthcare

Media Release

Research Reveals Path to Effective Antiracist Change in American Healthcare

The Institutional Antiracism and Accountability (IARA) Project at Harvard Kennedy School’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation released a new report that provides a comprehensive overview of racial equity in practice and details the critical mechanisms for evaluating antiracism interventions in healthcare institutions.

Key Findings from Antiracist Change in Healthcare Organizations
Photo of the event graphic


Key Findings from Antiracist Change in Healthcare Organizations

As a greater number of American healthcare organizations have proclaimed their commitments to racial justice and equitable care, the Institutional Antiracism and Accountability Project (IARA) team at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation set out to answer the key question: What enables effective and sustained antiracist change in healthcare organizations?

Bruce Schneier Wants to Recreate Democracy
Photo of the capitol building seemingly under construction with a tech background


Bruce Schneier Wants to Recreate Democracy

Arguing that American democracy has been hacked, the computer security expert doesn’t want to just fiddle on the margins when it comes to re-envisioning what a new 21st-century American democracy should look like.

The Other “Big Lie” and Our Democratic Fragility

The Other “Big Lie” and Our Democratic Fragility

Reflecting on the 20th anniversary of the Iraq War, Archon Fung argues that misinformation about the existence of weapons of mass destruction damaged American democracy for decades to come.