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Election 2024: Appreciating The Front-Line Workers of Democracy

As the dust settles from the U.S. presidential election, the American public can celebrate that the election process was largely nonviolent and smooth. However, it is important that the public not be lulled into thinking this signals the end of election administrators’ problems.

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Voting Rights Battle Enters a New Round
Photo of the Capitol building


Voting Rights Battle Enters a New Round

On March 1, the Georgia House of Representatives passed H.B.531, a sweeping elections bill that critics and voting rights advocates were quick to note increases restrictions on absentee voting and curtails weekend early voting hours.

Myanmar After the Coup
Photo of a computer screen that's displaying a zoom


Myanmar After the Coup

During a recent Ash Center event, experts discussed how the people of Myanmar have responded to recent events and what potential remains for a democratic future in the country.

Political Geographies of the Populist Right


Political Geographies of the Populist Right

The Ash Center Democracy Postdoctoral hosted Fellow Pauliina Patana and a global panel of experts for a discussion on how to make sense of these deep geographic divides, similarities and differences in spatial patterns across countries, strategies parties are using to mobilize voters across space and place, and other pertinent questions.

Crowd Counting Consortium: Contours of the George Floyd Uprising
A memorial mural to George Floyd


Crowd Counting Consortium: Contours of the George Floyd Uprising

Just how large and broad was that wave of protests after the death of George Floyd? How destructive was it? And how did police and right-wing counter-protesters respond to it?