Photo of three students sitting on steps and one student walking up the stairs

Our Team

Meet the faculty, staff, and fellows working toward more equal, inclusive, multiracial, and multiethnic democracy and self-government.

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Archon Fung
Headshot of Archon Fung

Archon Fung

Director, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation;
Winthrop Laflin McCormack Professor of Citizenship and Self-Government

Danielle Allen
Headshot of Danielle Allen

Danielle Allen

James Bryant Conant University Professor

Alan Altshuler
Headshot of Alan Altshuler

Alan Altshuler

Ruth and Frank Stanton Professor in Urban Policy and Planning, Emeritus

Desmond Ang
Headshot of Desmond Ang

Desmond Ang

Associate Professor of Public Policy

Arthur Isak Applbaum
Headshot of Arthur Applbaum

Arthur Isak Applbaum

Adams Professor of Political Leadership and Democratic Values

Maneesh Arora
Headshot of Maneesh Arora

Maneesh Arora

Democracy Visiting Fellow, AY2024-2025

Jie Bai
Headshot of Jie Bai

Jie Bai

Assistant Professor of Public Policy

LaChaun Banks
Headshot of LaChaun Banks

LaChaun Banks

Ash Center Director for Equity and Inclusion

Julie Battilana
Headshot of Julie Battilana

Julie Battilana

Alan L. Gleitsman Professor of Social Innovation, HKS; Joseph C. Wilson Professor of Business Administration, HBS

Matthew Baum
Headshot of Matthew Baum

Matthew Baum

Marvin Kalb Professor of Global Communications

Linda Bilmes
Headshot of Linda Bilmes

Linda Bilmes

Daniel Patrick Moynihan Senior Lecturer in Public Policy

Arthur Brooks
Headshot of Arthur Brooks

Arthur Brooks

Parker Gilbert Montgomery Professor of the Practice of Public Leadership

Cornell Brooks
Headshot of Cornell Brooks

Cornell Brooks

Hauser Professor of the Practice of Nonprofit Organizations;
Professor of the Practice of Public Leadership and Social Justice

Jael Brothers
Headshot of Jael Whitney Brothers

Jael Brothers

Assistant Director for the Honoring Nations program at the Project on Indigenous Governance and Development