Alison Pasquariello
Digital Project Manager, Institutional Antiracism and Accountability Project

Program Involvement
Alison Pasquariello is the Digital Project Manager for the Institutional Antiracism and Accountability (IARA) Project. She oversees media and digital communications for the IARA Project and manages the Race, Research and Policy Portal (RRAPP) — a free database of the latest antiracist research.
Alison is grateful to work with organizations she believes in. Prior to joining the Ash Center at the Harvard Kennedy School, she brought to life impactful communications at justice-driven nonprofits including What Design Can Do, Fossil Free Culture NL, and the National Network of Abortion Funds.
Alison holds a Research Masters from the University of Amsterdam’s Institute of Logic, Language, and Computation, where she published her thesis on time and its colonial applications past and present. She completed her Bachelors in Mathematics and Philosophy at Boston University, where she was awarded the Karbank Fellowship in Philosophy.