Occasional Paper  

Gender and Political Mobilization Online: Participation and Policy Success on a Global Petitioning Platform

As political life moves online, it is important to know whether online political participation excludes certain groups. Using a dataset of 3.9 million signers of online petitions in 132 countries, this paper examines the descriptive success (number of successful petitions) and substantive success (topic of successful petitions) of women and men. Women’s participation is higher than expected in the ‘thin’ action of petition signing, but consistently lower in the ‘thick’ action of petition creation. This paper does not find a link between lower female thick participation and female descriptive success. In terms of substantive success, the paper finds successful petitions reflect female users’ priorities more closely than men’s, independent of the petition initiator’s gender. These results hold both platform-wide and within most countries in the dataset. This paper shows that these results occur due to the low level of petition success (1.2%) on the platform, which increases the importance of thin forms of participation.

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AI-powered bots and electoral participation: a view from the Venezuelan experience

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Harvard Morning Prayers: Archon Fung
Harvard Memorial Church


Harvard Morning Prayers: Archon Fung

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How AI Can Support Democracy Movements: Summary Report of a Research and Practice Workshop
Cover photo of the occasional paper

Occasional Paper

How AI Can Support Democracy Movements: Summary Report of a Research and Practice Workshop

Democracy movements are struggling to challenge autocratic governments, partly due to the changing technology landscape. This report summarizes a December 2024 workshop on the specific issue of AI adoption within democracy movements and offers some key recommendations.