Media Release  

6 Programs to Advance in 2021 Honoring Nations Award cycle

Cambridge, MA—The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development’s Honoring Nations program announced today that six tribal programs will advance to the site visit round for the 2021 Honoring Nations Award. From 67 applicants, these six tribal governance programs have been chosen as contenders for the prestigious Honoring Nations Award that identifies, celebrates, and shares exemplary programs in tribal governance. Honoring Nations recognizes that tribes themselves hold the key to generating social, political, cultural, and economic prosperity and that self-governance plays a crucial role in building and sustaining strong, healthy Indian nations.

Administered by the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development at the Harvard Kennedy School, Honoring Nations is a member of a worldwide family of “governmental best practices” awards programs that share a commitment to the core idea that governance can be improved through the identification and dissemination of examples of effective solutions to universal challenges. At each stage of the selection process, applications are evaluated on the criteria of effectiveness, significance to sovereignty, cultural relevance, transferability, and sustainability. Since its inception in 1998, 136 tribal government programs have been recognized from over 100 tribal nations in the United States.

Honoring Nation’s Director, Megan Minoka Hill (Oneida Nation WI) explains, “The Honoring Nations awardees demonstrate a deep commitment to community and stand as remarkable examples of good governance practices. By sharing their stories of success, all governments — Native and non-Native alike — can benefit.”

During the 2021 summer, each of the six programs will receive a virtual site visit. In October 2021, the finalist programs will be awarded at the National Congress of American Indian’s annual conference in Sacramento, CA. The six programs that have advanced to the site visit round are:

  • Agua Caliente People Curriculum, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians
  • Cherokee Nation ONE FIRE, Cherokee Nation
  • Energy Lifeline Sector Resilience: Low-carbon Microgrids, Blue Lake Rancheria
  • Pe Sla, Intertribal
  • Sitka Tribe of Alaska Environmental Lab, Sitka Tribe of Alaska
  • Swinomish Tax Authority, Swinomish Indian Tribal Community

For more information about Honoring Nations, please visit the Harvard Project’s website at or email

About the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development 

The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development is based in the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard Kennedy School. The Harvard Project aims to understand and foster the conditions under which sustained social and economic development is achieved among Indigenous nations in the U.S. and beyond.

About the Ash Center

The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard Kennedy School advances excellence in governance and strengthens democratic institutions worldwide. Through its research, education, international programs, and government innovations awards, the Center fosters creative and effective government problem solving and serves as a catalyst for addressing many of the most pressing needs of the world’s citizens.

Contact Information 
Melissa Yazzie
Harvard Project for American Indian Economic Development

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Self-Government, Taxation, and Tribal Development: The Critical Role of American Indian Nation Business Enterprises
Figure 1: Growth in Real (inflation-adjusted) Per Capita Income: Indian Country v. the U.S. as a Whole (1989=100)

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Self-Government, Taxation, and Tribal Development: The Critical Role of American Indian Nation Business Enterprises

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