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Avoiding conflict over conflicts of interest

Developing and enforcing conflict of interest policies is no simple task for anti-corruption advocates and ethics officials alike. Archon Fung and Dennis Thompson help to better understand the problem and examine when risk is underestimated and when it is overestimated.

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We Don’t Need to Reinvent our Democracy to Save it from AI
Text from the ChatGPT page of the OpenAI website is shown in this photo, in New York, Feb. 2, 2023.


We Don’t Need to Reinvent our Democracy to Save it from AI

When is it time to start worrying about artificial intelligence interfering in our democracy? Maybe when an AI writes a letter to The New York Times opposing the regulation of its own technology.

Hacking to harm and heal democracy


Hacking to harm and heal democracy

In a new book, Bruce Schneier details how tricks, exploitations, and loopholes are benefiting those in power — and how a ‘hacking’ mindset can help us set things right.

Youth without representation


Youth without representation

Aksel Sundström explores how the absence of young adults in our governing institutions is weakening our democracy.

Digital Humanism: The Time Is Now

Digital Humanism: The Time Is Now

Digital humanism highlights the complex relationships between people, society, nature, and machines. It has been embraced by a growing community of individuals and groups who are setting directions that may change current paradigms. Here we focus on the initiatives generated by the Vienna Manifesto.

How ChatGPT Hijacks Democracy


How ChatGPT Hijacks Democracy

“… for all the consternation over the potential for humans to be replaced by machines in formats like poetry and sitcom scripts, a far greater threat looms: artificial intelligence replacing humans in the democratic processes — not through voting, but through lobbying.”

Cryptocurrencies and National Security: The Case of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing

Cryptocurrencies and National Security: The Case of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing

This Article reviews the anti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) framework and its application to cryptocurrencies. Then, it presents case studies demonstrating the important contributions that the AML/CFT toolkit has made to countries’ security.

What does it mean to have a strong multiracial democracy?


What does it mean to have a strong multiracial democracy?

The Ash Center’s Khalil Gibran Muhammad and Archon Fung discuss how without a more robust commitment to upholding and protecting multiracial democracy, the United States won’t be able to solve its democratic backsliding.