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Election 2024: Appreciating The Front-Line Workers of Democracy

As the dust settles from the U.S. presidential election, the American public can celebrate that the election process was largely nonviolent and smooth. However, it is important that the public not be lulled into thinking this signals the end of election administrators’ problems.

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Book Talk: The Government of Chance — Sortition and Politics from Athens to the Present
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Book Talk: The Government of Chance — Sortition and Politics from Athens to the Present

The Ash Center invites you to watch a book talk and series of panel discussions to mark the publication of The Government of Chance: Sortition and Politics from Athens to the Present (Cambridge University Press, 2023) by Yves Sintomer, Ash Center Visiting Democracy Fellow; Professor of Political Science, Paris 8 University; and Associate Member, Nuffield College, University of Oxford. Jane Suiter, Professor of Political Communication at Dublin City University chaired the discussion.

Hope Persists for Champion of Egyptian Democracy


Hope Persists for Champion of Egyptian Democracy

Shady ElGhazaly Harb MC/MPA 2023, a prominent youth activist during the 2011 uprising, finds new ways to understand the continuing struggle for democracy in Egypt during his time at Harvard Kennedy School.

Veteran storyteller pushes for new narrative

Veteran storyteller pushes for new narrative

Film director and producer Ian Daniel MC/MPA 2023 looks to policy to help change the trajectory of centuries-old injustice.

Reinvigorating People Power: Lessons Learned from Civil Resistance Leaders
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Reinvigorating People Power: Lessons Learned from Civil Resistance Leaders

The Ash Center invites you to watch a panel discussion with civil resistance leaders from around the world discussing their experiences and lessons learned from fighting dictatorships over the past ten years.