Read the latest news, commentary, and analysis from the Ash Center.
Exiled Venezuelan opposition leader on the election, the protests, and the future of the country
HKS research fellow Freddy Guevara MC/MPA 2024 remains optimistic about a democratic transition and that the July election was the beginning of the end for the Maduro regime.
This issue highlights Dean David Ellwood’s tour of East and Southeast Asia, visiting benefactors and alumni in key programs affiliated with the Ash Center. Included on his tour was a visit to Indonesia, the subject of the Center’s new report, ”From Reformasi to Institutional Transformation.” The report explores Indonesia’s prospects for success as a new democracy despite a heavy dependence on low-wage manufacturing. Other articles feature recent conferences on child welfare, urban innovation, and China’s globalization.
Once among the 50 poorest countries in the world, Vietnam is now considered a ”middle-income country.” But will environmental threats, an inefficient but very powerful state sector, and pervasive crony socialism practices stall the country’s growth? Volume six explores Vietnam’s struggle to avoid the middle-income trap. Other articles feature Participedia, a website on participatory governance practices worldwide, and the Center’s new China Case Program.
This issue announces the Ash Center’s new research agenda exploring challenges to democracy in the 21st Century. Several past Innovations winners join President Obama’s campaign, and Director Saich shares findings from his study on changing perceptions of government by Chinese citizens.
This issue announces Ash’s major new initiative on democratic governance and welcomes Asia Programs to the Institute. Students and fellows showcase their summer research and the Vietnam Program celebrates the launch of its two-year MPP program. We go in depth with Arn Howitt’s work on crisis management and spotlight Director Saich’s new work Providing Public Goods in Transitional China.
In this issue, we spotlight the March Frontiers of Innovation Conference, which included the Latin American Mayors Conference and the China: Challenge and Change symposium. The Top 50 innovative government programs competing for the 2008 Innovations Awards are also announced.
In this inaugural issue of the Ash Center’s bi-annual newsletter, we showcase the 2007 Innovations in American Government Award winners and offer snapshots of our 2007 Global Network events. Faculty research and recent student initiatives are also highlighted.