Research & Resources

Through our books, case studies, journal articles, papers, and surveys, the Ash Center is home to some of the world’s most advanced research and publications on issues related to democratic governance and self-governance.

To explore all research authored by Ash Center faculty, please visit the Harvard Kennedy School website. You can view the Ash Center’s open access policy here.

Case Study

From Crisis to Opportunity: How the City of Portland Embraced Democratic Innovation

In this case study of democratic innovation at the local level, the authors answer the questions: Why, in 2022, was voting representation and democratic reform firmly on Portland’s agenda? Did this shift contribute to Portlanders passing Measure 26-228?

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237 Items

of 27


Democracy on the (Down) Ballot: Unpacking the Midterms, Voting Rights, and Local Electoral Reforms


Democracy on the (Down) Ballot: Unpacking the Midterms, Voting Rights, and Local Electoral Reforms

During the 2022 midterms, voters not only cast a ballot to decide the balance of power in congress, but in in many states voters decided on a range of consequential ballot initiatives impacting the nuts and bolts of the electoral process including voter-ID laws, party primary reform, ranked choice voting, and proportional representation. The outcomes of these statewide and local level ballot initiatives have direct implications for future elections and participatory democracy.

This midterm recap webinar goes beyond the candidate horse race and focus on analysis and perspectives from advocates and scholars on recent voting-related ballot initiatives, immediate implications for future elections, and what’s ahead for emerging electoral reforms at the state and local level. See panelists Deb Otis, Director of Research at FairVote; Jenny Lee, Deputy Director of the Coalition of Communities of Color; and Wendy Underhill, Director of Elections and Redistricting at the National Conference of State Legislatures. Ash Center Reimagining Democracy Fellow Nick Chedli Carter moderated.

Welcome and Panel One: The Great Retreat (Truth and Transformation 2022)


Welcome and Panel One: The Great Retreat (Truth and Transformation 2022)

At the 2022 Truth and Transformation conference, during the welcome, we heard from Professor Khalil Gibran Muhammad, head of the Institutional Antiracism and Accountability Project at Harvard Kennedy School, as well as Talia Landry, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.

Panel Two: Facing the Past (Truth and Transformation 2022)


Panel Two: Facing the Past (Truth and Transformation 2022)

Memorialization efforts and museums are increasingly playing a role in racial reckoning. How are state officials, activists, and organizers using memorials to face the past? How do these efforts connect to the work of truth commissions? How do we mark sites of violence and re(make) them as sites of consciousness-building, truth-telling, and historical documentation?

Midday Keynote with Alvin Warren (Truth and Transformation 2022)


Midday Keynote with Alvin Warren (Truth and Transformation 2022)

Tune into a musical performance by Raye Zaragoza followed by a keynote by Alvin Warren (Santa Clara Pueblo), former Santa Clara Pueblo lieutenant governor, about the deeper implications of the Land Back movement and how allies can take meaningful action to support Tribal Nations and Indigenous Peoples in these efforts.

Panel Three: Paying It Forward (Truth and Transformation 2022)


Panel Three: Paying It Forward (Truth and Transformation 2022)

Globally, reparations movements are gaining ground. These movements focus on a broad spectrum of ways to return resources, achieve economic security and close the racial wealth gap, including cash payments, repatriating cultural artifacts, land givebacks, health access, and philanthropic investments. What can we learn from these latest efforts in the US and elsewhere? Looking into the future how can we make reparations work?

Considerations for Federal and State Landback
Photo of a water spout in Yellowstone Park

Policy Brief

Considerations for Federal and State Landback

This policy brief showcases how geographic information system (GIS) techniques can be used to identify public and/or protected land in relation to current and historic reservation boundaries, and presents maps showcasing the scope of landback opportunities.

Democracy in Hard Places
Cover photo of the book


Democracy in Hard Places

In Democracy in Hard Places, Scott Mainwaring and Tarek Masoud bring together a distinguished cast of contributors to illustrate how democracies around the world continue to survive even in an age of democratic decline.