Research & Resources

Through our books, case studies, journal articles, papers, and surveys, the Ash Center is home to some of the world’s most advanced research and publications on issues related to democratic governance and self-governance.

To explore all research authored by Ash Center faculty, please visit the Harvard Kennedy School website. You can view the Ash Center’s open access policy here.

Case Study

From Crisis to Opportunity: How the City of Portland Embraced Democratic Innovation

In this case study of democratic innovation at the local level, the authors answer the questions: Why, in 2022, was voting representation and democratic reform firmly on Portland’s agenda? Did this shift contribute to Portlanders passing Measure 26-228?

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237 Items

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Crowd Counting Consortium – Data on Pro-Israeli and Pro-Palestinian Protests in the U.S.
The image reads


Crowd Counting Consortium – Data on Pro-Israeli and Pro-Palestinian Protests in the U.S.

On Tuesday, December 5th, 2023, experts from the Crowd Counting Consortium, a network of researchers tracking political demonstrations across the U.S., shared their most recent data on the multitude of pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian protests held nationwide since October 7.

Regulating Web3: Global Trends and Challenges


Regulating Web3: Global Trends and Challenges

“Regulating Web3: Global Trends and Challenges” webinar session featured the following speakers and topics:

  • Peter Kerstens (European Commission) on EU Markets in Crypto Asset Regulation
  • Carol Van Cleef (Luminous Group) on US Approach to Digital Asset Regulation
  • Urszula McCormack (King & Wood Mallesons) on APAC Approach to Digital Asset Regulation
  • Thomas Hardjono (MIT Media Lab) on Technical Standards for Web3

Summit on AI and Democracy

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Summit on AI and Democracy

On November 7, 2023, the Summit on AI and Democracy gathered experts across multiple institutions to discuss ongoing research, policy, and development efforts related to the recent advancements in artificial intelligence.

The Rise of Public-Sector Unions in the 21st Century


The Rise of Public-Sector Unions in the 21st Century

Harvard-ID holders are invited to join the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation and David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies for the RFK Visiting Professor in Latin American Studies Lecture.

Reimagining Democracy for AI

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Reimagining Democracy for AI

“Reimagining Democracy for AI” by Aviv Ovadya was featured in the October 2023 Journal of Democracy.

Abstract: AI advances are shattering assumptions that both our democracies and our international order rely on. Reinventing our “democratic infrastructure” is thus critically necessary—and the author argues that it is also possible. Four interconnected and accelerating democratic paradigm shifts illustrate the potential: representative deliberations, AI augmentation, democracy-as-a-service, and platform democracy. Such innovations provide a viable path toward not just reimagining traditional democracies but enabling the transnational and even global democratic processes critical for addressing the broader challenges posed by destabilizing AI advances—including those relating to AI alignment and global agreements. We can and must rapidly invest in such democratic innovation if we are to ensure that our democratic capacity increases with our power.

Problems at the Polls? Election Administration in the Midterms
Photo of the event details


Problems at the Polls? Election Administration in the Midterms

The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Institute of Politics, and HKS Black Alumni Association invited folks to watch a discussion with former West Virginia Secretary of State and current Institute of Politics Fellow Natalie Tennant, and Ash Center’s Tova Wang for a discussion on running an election in turbulent times.

The Dark Side of AI: Crime and Adversarial Use Cases


The Dark Side of AI: Crime and Adversarial Use Cases

“The Dark Side of AI: Crime and Adversarial Use Cases” webinar session featured the following speakers and topics:

  • Bruce Schneier (Harvard): Hackers and Security Vulnerabilities
  • Matt Groh (Northwestern): Deepfakes and Misinformation, see related paper The Art and Science of Generative AI
  • Shlomit Wagman (Harvard): Financial Crime
  • Jennifer Calvery (HSBC): Financial Crime