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A sign reads,


Avoiding conflict over conflicts of interest

Developing and enforcing conflict of interest policies is no simple task for anti-corruption advocates and ethics officials alike. Archon Fung and Dennis Thompson help to better understand the problem and examine when risk is underestimated and when it is overestimated.

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Moving Municipal Tech Out of the Typewriter Era

Communique Magazine

Moving Municipal Tech Out of the Typewriter Era

In Boston, Alex Lawrence MPP 2014 is ensuring that data and tech have a front-row seat at the policymaking table


A Win for Democracy


A Win for Democracy

Mauzy Award-Winner Demarquin Johnson sees democratic action as the path to overcoming injustice and protecting voting rights

Black Lives, Protest, and Democracy


Black Lives, Protest, and Democracy

The following remarks were excepted from A Discussion on Black Lives, Protest, and Democracy, a virtual conversation hosted by the Ash Center with leading scholars and practitioners about the protests, their place in the long fight for social justice, and what they tell us about the state of democracy in America today.


How are businesses encouraging civic engagement in 2020?
I voted sticker on denim


How are businesses encouraging civic engagement in 2020?

The Ash Center sat down with Ashley Spillane MC/MPA 2018, president of social impact consulting firm Impactual, and Sofia Gross, Ash Center Technology and Democracy Fellow 2018-19, public policy manager at Snap, Inc.; authors of Civic Responsibility: The Power of Companies to Increase Voter Turnoutto discuss how organizations are supporting voter participation this fall.

A New Story for Nigeria
City at night lagoon waterfront Lagos


A New Story for Nigeria

Recent Kennedy School Graduate Uche Pedro is leveraging her popular media brand to increase voter participation and advocate for social justice issues in Nigeria.

Valerie Jarrett on the value of a vote + reaching Gen-Z
Roll of


Valerie Jarrett on the value of a vote + reaching Gen-Z

Board Chair of When We All Vote Valerie Jarret discusses voter engagement at a virtual Harvard Votes Challenge event on National Voter Registration Day

Communiqué Fall 2020, Volume 25

Communique Magazine

Communiqué Fall 2020, Volume 25

This issue, our first-ever digital-only magazine, explores how the Ash Center has responded to both the COVID-19 pandemic and consequential presidential election. We feature the democracy programs work on increasing voter participation and a report recommending universal civic duty voting. We highlight Director Tony Saich’s latest book on a Dutch Communist named Henk Sneevliet and his role in sparking the communist revolution in China, and we also detail the stories of Ash Center students, alumni and fellows around the globe.