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Through our books, case studies, journal articles, papers, and surveys, the Ash Center is home to some of the world’s most advanced research and publications on issues related to democratic governance and self-governance.

To explore all research authored by Ash Center faculty, please visit the Harvard Kennedy School website. You can view the Ash Center’s open access policy here.

Case Study

From Crisis to Opportunity: How the City of Portland Embraced Democratic Innovation

In this case study of democratic innovation at the local level, the authors answer the questions: Why, in 2022, was voting representation and democratic reform firmly on Portland’s agenda? Did this shift contribute to Portlanders passing Measure 26-228?

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237 Items

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Book Talk: Micro-Institutional Foundations of Capitalism


Book Talk: Micro-Institutional Foundations of Capitalism

Join us for a book talk with Roselyn Hsueh, Temple University Associate Professor of Political Science and author of the forthcoming “Micro-Institutional Foundations of Capitalism: Sectoral Pathways to Globalization in China, India, and Russia” (Cambridge University Press, 2022). Hsueh discussed how her book’s Strategic Value Framework shows that the perceived strategic value orientation of state elites rooted in significant phases of internal and external pressures shape dominant patterns of market governance, which vary by country and sector within country. Specifically, Hsueh’s research demonstrates techno-security developmentalism in China has shaped bifurcated capitalism, which governs dual-use capital- and knowledge-intensive versus labor-intensive industries. In India, neoliberal self-reliance has determined the bifurcated liberalism, which grounds transnationally networked high-tech versus rural, small-scale sectors. A bifurcated oligarchy governs defense and resource-oriented versus labor-intensive sectors in Russia shaped by resource security nationalism.

Edward Cunningham, Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy, Director of Ash Center China Programs and of the Asia Energy and Sustainability Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School, moderated.

This discussion was co-sponsored by the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard Kennedy School China Society, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, and Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute.

The Advantage of Disadvantage: Costly Protest and Political Representation for Marginalized Groups


The Advantage of Disadvantage: Costly Protest and Political Representation for Marginalized Groups

Tune in to a virtual book talk featuring former Ash Center Postdoctoral Democracy Fellow LaGina Gause, Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of California, San Diego. Gause, author of “The Advantage of Disadvantage: Costly Protest and Political Representation for Marginalized Groups,” was joined by respondent Hahrie Han, Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University. Archon Fung, Winthrop Laflin McCormack Professor of Citizenship and Self-Government at Harvard Kennedy School, Director of the Ash Center’s Democratic Governance Programs, moderated.

This event was co-sponsored by the Center for American Political Studies (CAPS).

Book Talk with Donald Cohen, co-author of “The Privatization of Everything”


Book Talk with Donald Cohen, co-author of “The Privatization of Everything”

Join the Ash Center for an online conversation with Donald Cohen, co-author of “The Privatization of Everything: How the Plunder of Public Goods Transformed America and How We can Fight Back” (The New Press, 2021). Lizabeth Cohen, the Howard Mumford Jones Professor of American Studies in the History Department at Harvard University, served as moderator.

Getting at the Root: Perspectives on Global Justice, Truth Telling and Accountability
Graphic of the event details


Getting at the Root: Perspectives on Global Justice, Truth Telling and Accountability

The Institutional Antiracism and Accountability Project and the Carr Center for Human Rights hosted a discussion with scholars studying processes and practices of global truth telling, repair, and justice from the fields of law, government, and political science.

The State of Redistricting and the 2022 Elections


The State of Redistricting and the 2022 Elections

We are in the midst of one of the most rancorous redistricting sessions in our country’s history. Partisan officials – mostly but not only in conservative legislatures – are using the drawing of new congressional, state and local election districts to amass disproportionate power for themselves. How successfully can this be resisted? Meanwhile, the many independent/nonpartisan commissions established in states in recent years were meant to help avoid this problem. Are they working to do so? If so, which ones are, which ones aren’t, where and why?

Join the Ash Center and Equal Democracy Project at Harvard Law School to learn about the state of redistricting in this moment, litigation that is occurring under a dramatically weakened Voting Rights Act, and how different redistricting commissions are faring, with:

Ben Schneer, Assistant Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School
Mitchell Brown, Counsel, Voting Rights, Southern Coalition for Social Justice
Colleen Mathis, former Chair of the Independent Redistricting Commission of Arizona
Cathy Duvall, Managing Consultant, Fair Representation in Redistricting

Moderated by: Nick Stephanopoulos, Harvard Law School

How AI Fails Us
A human and robot hand touch

Policy Brief

How AI Fails Us

Researchers and funders should redirect focus from centralized autonomous general intelligence to a plurality of established and emerging approaches that extend cooperative and augmentative traditions as seen in successes such as Taiwan’s digital democracy project to collective intelligence platforms like Wikipedia.

Overcoming Racism to Build a True Democracy: Two Authors Share the Way Forward


Overcoming Racism to Build a True Democracy: Two Authors Share the Way Forward

Confronting racism directly and building a fully inclusive democracy are completely intertwined. Two authors with strong history in the democracy movement have recently written forcefully and personally on the subject. Heather McGhee served as President of Demos before writing the New York Times bestseller The Sum of Us, and Theodore Johnson, after serving twenty years in the military, is the Director of the Fellows Program at the Brennan Center for Justice and the author of the just-published When the Stars Begin to Fall. Harvard Law Professor Guy Uriel-Charles engaged with them on their experiences, their arguments, and how they see the way forward.