‘The writing was on the wall’
Five insights on race, class, and gender in the 2024 presidential election from Professors Khalil Gibran Muhammad and Leah Wright Rigueur
Policy Brief
The IARA project investigates new and existing strategies for antiracist transformation in the healthcare sector.
COVID-19 and the 2020 wave of racial justice demonstrations in the United States moved many healthcare organizations to enact antiracist change goals. Yet, many of these commitments lacked effective strategies and accountability mechanisms.
IARA conducted a one-year study of existing antiracist interventions in healthcare organizations and a review of authoritative evidence for institutional accountability.
IARA’s pioneering case studies indicate five key organizational levers necessary to close racial disparities in healthcare outcomes and produce long-term sustainable institutional transformation:
Five insights on race, class, and gender in the 2024 presidential election from Professors Khalil Gibran Muhammad and Leah Wright Rigueur
Additional Resource
The insights and feedback gathered at the event will guide IARA’s forthcoming report, which aspires to catalyze ongoing policy, advocacy, and community-based efforts for social change.
Six seasoned speakers offered practical strategies for confronting the anti-DEI movement at the sixth annual conference of the Institutional Antiracism and Accountability (IARA) Project.
Five insights on race, class, and gender in the 2024 presidential election from Professors Khalil Gibran Muhammad and Leah Wright Rigueur
Additional Resource
The insights and feedback gathered at the event will guide IARA’s forthcoming report, which aspires to catalyze ongoing policy, advocacy, and community-based efforts for social change.
Six seasoned speakers offered practical strategies for confronting the anti-DEI movement at the sixth annual conference of the Institutional Antiracism and Accountability (IARA) Project.