Research & Resources

Through our books, case studies, journal articles, papers, and surveys, the Ash Center is home to some of the world’s most advanced research and publications on issues related to democratic governance and self-governance.

To explore all research authored by Ash Center faculty, please visit the Harvard Kennedy School website. You can view the Ash Center’s open access policy here.

Cover photo of the occasional paper

Occasional Paper

How AI Can Support Democracy Movements: Summary Report of a Research and Practice Workshop

Democracy movements are struggling to challenge autocratic governments, partly due to the changing technology landscape. This report summarizes a December 2024 workshop on the specific issue of AI adoption within democracy movements and offers some key recommendations.

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141 Items

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Cooperative Paradigms for Artificial Intelligence

Additional Resource

Cooperative Paradigms for Artificial Intelligence

As a part of the Allen Lab’s Political Economy of AI Essay Collection, Sarah Hubbard explores alternative ownership and governance structures for artificial intelligence that may better serve the public interest.

Global Justice, Truth-telling and Healing Symposium Proceedings
Group photo of the participants and the IARA team on the front steps of the Ash Center

Additional Resource

Global Justice, Truth-telling and Healing Symposium Proceedings

The insights and feedback gathered at the event will guide IARA’s forthcoming report, which aspires to catalyze ongoing policy, advocacy, and community-based efforts for social change.

Milestone or Misstep? Corruption, Development, and Democracy After Brazil’s Lava Jato Probe
people in Brazil take to the streets

Additional Resource

Milestone or Misstep? Corruption, Development, and Democracy After Brazil’s Lava Jato Probe

This case explores Brazil’s Operation Car Wash (Lava Jato in Portuguese), the largest public corruption investigation in history, which led to indictments and convictions of some 359 business executives, government officials, and political leaders from the ruling elite in Brazil.

Engaging Fans, Empowering Voters: How Professional Sports are Promoting Civic Engagement
Photo of a sports stadium from the perspective of someone in the stands


Engaging Fans, Empowering Voters: How Professional Sports are Promoting Civic Engagement

The Ash Center hosted a discussion with representatives of the NBA, NFL Votes, the co-founder of Vet the Vote, and the Deputy Secretary of State of Georgia to discuss how these partnerships are succeeding at supporting voter participation and fair and secure elections.

Can Higher Education Help Renovate American Democracy?
Photo of several people wearing graduation caps


Can Higher Education Help Renovate American Democracy?

The Allen Lab for Democracy Renovation hosted a webinar with several panelists to discuss a host of new campus initiatives that offer promising pathways for higher education to reassert its vital role in strengthening democracy by engaging students’ civic learning and supporting their development as civic actors.

Self-Government, Taxation, and Tribal Development: The Critical Role of American Indian Nation Business Enterprises
Figure 1: Growth in Real (inflation-adjusted) Per Capita Income: Indian Country v. the U.S. as a Whole (1989=100)

Policy Brief

Self-Government, Taxation, and Tribal Development: The Critical Role of American Indian Nation Business Enterprises

This policy brief analyzes the likely effects of newly Proposed Rules by the U.S. Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service. These Rules would (1) expand the governmental authority of federally recognized American Indian nations to design programs for the general welfare of their citizens, and (2) clarify the federal tax status of tribal government-owned enterprises. The study finds that adoption of the Proposed Rules would greatly strengthen the capacities of tribal governments, to the benefit of tribes and the United States as a whole.

The National Security Case for Public AI
tech background with a square in the middle

Occasional Paper

The National Security Case for Public AI

Allen Lab for Democracy Renovation Fellow Alex Pascal and Vanderbilt Law Professor Ganesh Sitaraman make the case that public options for AI and public utility-style regulation of AI will enhance national security by ensuring innovation and competition, preventing abuses of power and conflicts of interest, and advancing public interest and national security goals.

United States Election and Post-Election Resources
Graphic that says

United States Election and Post-Election Resources

Election season is in full swing, and Election Day is fast approaching. The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation has compiled a list of election-related articles, resources, and events to keep you up to date.